Damn Small Linux 4.4.9
Linux & OpenSource
120 x 95 screengrabOriginally developed as an experiment to see how many usable desktop applications can fit inside a 50MB live CD. It was at first just a personal tool/toy. But over time Damn Small Linux grew into a community project and is widely used and supported.

Requires: Intel x86 compatible computer

Linux from Scratch 6.4
Linux & OpenSource
120 x 95 screengrab Free book that provides instructions for compiling a basic Linux operating system from scratch, offered primarily as an educational tool for those who wish to learn more about Linux internals. The book is provided as a HTML document.

Requires: Intel x86 compatible computer

Kubuntu 8.10
Linux & OpenSource
120 x 95 screengrab Free, user-friendly operating system based on the K Desktop Environment and on the award winning Ubuntu operating system. With a biannual release cycle and at least 18 months of free security updates for each release, it is a secure, stable computing environment.

Requires: Intel x86 compatible computer

SLAX 6.0.8
Linux & OpenSource
120 x 95 screengrab Modern, portable, small and fast Linux operating system with a modular approach and outstanding design. Despite its small size, Slax provides a wide collection of pre-installed software for daily use, including a well organized graphical user interface.

Requires: Intel x86 compatible computer
